This poster is for gun violence in schools. School shootings have, unfortunately, become a common thing in the United States. According to Saeed Ahmed and Christina Walker from CNN (, on average there has been a shcool shooting every week this year.Two major school shootings were in Newtown, Connecticut (Sandy Hook Elementary School) in December 2012 and Parkland, Florida in February 2018. Since 2009, the United States has had 288 school shootings. Canada has had 2, France has had 2, Germany has had 1, and Japan, Italy, and the U.K. have had zero ( These statistics speak for themselves for how awful gun violence is in the United States. One difficulty I had when making this poster was the overlapping of so many different images. Another struggle was making the poster symmetrical and not having images all over the place. This poster is supposed to say that guns have no place in school and that we need to put an end to gun violence in the United States.
